How to add heartbeat sonogram to a baby registry:
To Add using App:
1) Download the Babylist app on your phone
2) Visit the "Add Items" tab at the bottom of the app
3) Scroll down to "Search the Web" and type in ""
4) Once on my website, go to the "Place an Order" tab
5) Click "Add to Babylist"
6) Under "Notes for friends & family" fill out the specific size and colors you would like
7) If someone orders a print from your registry...
We will email them a questionnaire asking for the image of the sonogram, collecting payment & shipping information
To Add using Desktop:
1) Go to the "Place an Order" tab on my website
2) Click the "Add to Babylist" bookmark
3) Under "Note for friends & family" fill out the specific size and colors you would like
4) If someone orders a print from your registry...
We will email them a questionnaire asking for the image of the sonogram, collecting payment & shipping information